Sunday, March 29, 2009

Etsy addict

I really am an Etsy addict. Well really I am an internet addict. I sort of plan my day around it. I am rarely not on the internet. I am either checking my email throughout the day on the iPod touch or sitting in front of the computer (or making jewelry). That is why my house looks the way it does. It is sad, really. I mean really, really sad and pathetic. I know it is, but I just love the internet and I love Etsy. You know, I read that they have recovery houses for this kind of thing...hmmm. Anyway, this post is not to talk about how pathetic I am so much as to list my favorite Etsy things.

Ames, from Sparkle Rocks, is the most amazing sweet girl. I love her to death! Her jewelry is also really great! Here are the things I have bought from her recently:

J'adore! I have the peace sign necklace already,  now I am just waiting for the other three. I am so excited about the rings. And the more I look at that necklace the more I love it. Please check out her shop, but don't buy the things I want. Unless you are buying them for me! *cough*pandanecklacelittleponynecklacehellokittynecklacepinkteapotringmushroomearrings*cough* =]

Another great Etsy seller is Terra, from Peaced Together. She is such a sweetheart and her skirts are so cute! I bought one a while back (I sold my wedding dress so I have money, can you tell?). I love this skirt! Look:

I just love it! Please check her shop out as well. Oh and while your at it, you might as well take a look at mine. I just added some great new jewelry. And I have a bunch more to add so keep an eye out!!

P.S. I will try to get some pictures of Jack up soon!


  1. You make me laugh so much! I love how at the end of the post you're like "oh yeah....and Jack".
    I really wish I could hold Jack right now. I just know the baby would have been a little boy cousin for him to play with. ...... :o(

  2. It makes me happy that you laughed! You can't be sad! I don't like sad. Maybe me and jack can come over soon and you can play with him. He almost has this whole rolling over thing and he likes to play and do fun things so I'm sure he wants to come over too. And of course he misses his favorite aunt Disney! And Paige, he likes Paige. But since Micah hates him a little, Jack's not too sure about him. Btw he is sleeping in my arms making little sad faces right now! =]

  3. We would like that a lot if you came to visit. That's the nicest sounding thing I've heard in about 49 hours and 42 minutes.
