Ames, from Sparkle Rocks, is the most amazing sweet girl. I love her to death! Her jewelry is also really great! Here are the things I have bought from her recently:
J'adore! I have the peace sign necklace already, now I am just waiting for the other three. I am so excited about the rings. And the more I look at that necklace the more I love it. Please check out her shop, but don't buy the things I want. Unless you are buying them for me! *cough*pandanecklacelittleponynecklacehellokittynecklacepinkteapotringmushroomearrings*cough* =]
Another great Etsy seller is Terra, from Peaced Together. She is such a sweetheart and her skirts are so cute! I bought one a while back (I sold my wedding dress so I have money, can you tell?). I love this skirt! Look:
I just love it! Please check her shop out as well. Oh and while your at it, you might as well take a look at mine. I just added some great new jewelry. And I have a bunch more to add so keep an eye out!!
P.S. I will try to get some pictures of Jack up soon!